Embracing the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit: A Journey with Soaring Place Ministry

In today's fast-paced world, where distractions abound and spiritual connection often takes a backseat, it’s crucial to anchor ourselves in practices that invite the transformative presence of God. At Soaring Place Ministry, the heart of their mission is to bring believers into a deeper, more intimate relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. As a non-traditional church affiliated with the Network of Global Awakening (ANGA) and Jesus Image Pastor Fellowship, Soaring Place Ministry is committed to advancing God’s Kingdom on Earth, powered by His Spirit and His Word.

This blog highlights the core values, mission, and vision of Soaring Place Ministry, reflecting the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the significance of living out God’s call in every aspect of our lives.

Our Core Values: Living in His Presence, Power, and Glory

At the heart of Soaring Place Ministry are six core values that guide everything they do. These values form the foundation for how they live, worship, and impact the world around them.

  1. His Presence
    Soaring Place Ministry is all about creating a space where God’s presence can be felt and experienced in powerful ways. Through worship dances, flags, streamers, and even creative arts like painting, drawing, and journaling, the ministry makes room for the Holy Spirit to move freely. This creative expression is a means of honoring God's presence and cultivating deeper intimacy with Him.

  2. His Word
    Living in alignment with God's Word is essential to the vision of Soaring Place. From Genesis to Revelation, the Scriptures serve as the guiding authority, renewing our minds and shaping our lives. Soaring Place embraces the New Covenant mindset in Christ—no longer under the law, but living in freedom through the sacrifice of Jesus.

  3. His Heart
    God’s heart for humanity is central to the mission of Soaring Place. It’s about living in right relationship with Jesus Christ and surrendering to His Lordship. Through this, believers are called to participate in bringing God's Kingdom to Earth, living with surrendered hearts to fulfill His will.

  4. His Kingdom
    The Kingdom of God is about community, love, and growth. Soaring Place believes in fostering a culture where everyone can thrive in their relationship with God and in their gifts and callings. Activation and impartation are key to advancing God’s Kingdom on Earth and honoring one another in the process.

  5. His Service
    Soaring Place Ministry is committed to serving beyond the four walls of the church, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in the marketplaces, businesses, and secular spaces. It’s about living out God’s Kingdom mission in every area of life—not to earn favor, but as a reflection of a surrendered heart.

  6. His Gifts
    Empowered by the Holy Spirit, believers are called to walk in the gifts of healing, prophecy, words of knowledge, and miracles. Soaring Place embraces these gifts to bring comfort, exhortation, and edification to the body of Christ and to the surrounding community.

  7. His Glory
    Living a life of integrity and reverence, giving God the glory for all things, is paramount. At Soaring Place, every act is done to honor and glorify God, ensuring that all praise goes to Him alone.

Our Mission: Advancing God's Kingdom on Earth

Soaring Place Ministry's mission is to expand the Kingdom of Jesus Christ on Earth. They are not just waiting for God to rescue us from the world’s darkness—they believe that it’s their responsibility to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, their vision is to see a shift in culture and lives transformed by God’s presence.

Affiliated with the Network of Global Awakening, Soaring Place Ministry is part of a global movement aimed at equipping believers to walk in the full power of the Holy Spirit. Their mission isn’t just about building a local church—it’s about building a global family of believers united in the purpose of seeing God’s Kingdom come.

Their vision focuses on empowering believers to experience personal transformation—through the work of the Holy Spirit and the power of God’s Word—and to bring about transformation in the world around them. They believe that the Holy Spirit is actively moving today, pouring out His presence, power, and gifts to impact this generation.

Our Beliefs: Anchored in the Truth of God's Word

Soaring Place Ministry stands firm on key doctrinal beliefs that uphold the power of the Holy Spirit, the authority of Scripture, and the centrality of Jesus Christ. They believe in the eternal reign of God and the redemptive work of Jesus, who came to earth to restore mankind’s relationship with God.

The ministry holds to the third-wave movement of the Holy Spirit, which emphasizes the ongoing activity of spiritual gifts in the church today. They believe that the gifts of healing, prophecy, and miracles are not just relics of the past but are alive and active today, empowering believers to continue the works of Jesus.

They also believe in the Holy Spirit's active role in the life of every believer. Through the baptism in the Holy Spirit, believers are empowered to live victorious lives and to carry out God’s will on earth.

Our Vision: The Outpouring of His Spirit

The vision of Soaring Place Ministry is centered on shifting culture through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Their desire is not to wait for God’s intervention but to actively partner with Him in rescuing the world from darkness. This vision calls every believer to step into their calling, equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit, to bring healing, restoration, and salvation to those around them.

As part of the Global Awakening Network, Soaring Place Ministry is committed to seeing the Holy Spirit poured out in mighty ways, empowering believers to go into all the world and make disciples.

Join Us in Advancing His Kingdom

Soaring Place Ministry invites everyone to be a part of this incredible outpouring of God’s Spirit. Whether you are just beginning your journey with Christ or have been walking with Him for years, there is a place for you at Soaring Place. Come experience the presence of God, walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and participate in advancing God’s Kingdom on Earth.

Together, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus, transforming lives, shifting culture, and advancing His glory throughout the world. The time is now—will you join us?
